
By ayearinthelife

I Can See Clearly Now

Well, I will be able to when my new glasses are ready in a fortnight’s time! I was supposed to have my eyes tested last week, but that appointment was cancelled at the last minute and rescheduled to today.
Apart from a bit of extra PPE being worn, it all seemed quite normal during the test. The optician advised all the staff had been vaccinated and were tested twice a week so it would be ok to take my mask off during the actual examination. It would seem my eyes have actually “improved” over the last two years. They haven’t, it’s just that I am short sighted and your eyes naturally become long sighted as the years advance. Which explains why I have to take my glasses off to read nowadays - my current varifocal prescription is too strong! I did mention that I ran without my glasses on, and had noticed I was seeing better than I was a year ago. Was it perhaps because I was fitter and my eyes were adjusting due to improved health? No, was the definite reply - it’s because you’re older!
The optician did give me a bit of praise for improving my health generally though - it all helps stave off any diseases of the eyes.
Time to choose new frames next. Unfortunately for my bank balance, I discovered Oakley as a brand last time I had new glasses so just headed straight to that section, as I have really come to like the way they fit and feel. The opticians are restricting how many people are in the shop at any one time and I was told to take my time choosing and to try on as many frames as I wanted. All I had to do was put the ones I tried to one side, so they could be sanitised before being returned to the display. The assistant was very helpful and helped narrow down the choices before Mrs C turned up and helped me choose between the final two contenders.
Given what I was already spending, I thought I should take advantage of the “buy one, get one half price” offer and get some new prescription sunglasses. Stayed “on brand” and found something suitable really quickly - only had to try two pairs on before deciding. Did have to gulp a bit though when I was told how much they would be - more than the everyday glasses due to the complexity of the lenses! On the basis that I don’t change my sunglasses quite as often as the normal ones, I thought I’d go for it because it almost seemed a reasonable price to pay if you spread the cost over the next four years!! I’m looking forward now to a summer of crystal clear vision.

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