Spring Flower Photo

Always good to see the anemones back out - of all the plants in the garden they’re somehow the ones that I fear won’t reappear as they just disappear without trace as the year winds on.
Picked up two copies of the papers and headed over to Little France to drop stuff off. Sadly, I can’t get to see the SK as her covid test results haven’t come through yet, but at least her temperature is coming down which is a good sign. Her discomfort, nothing like so much. Back home to kick my heels so I decided to sit out and read but it was a chilly wind that soon sent me scuttling indoors. And then I spent far too much reading garbage on Twitter. Discipline required! 
But, it being a Saturday night, I knew what was required. A blockbuster movie that I’d never seen. One with a user score of at least 9.0 on IMDB and a metacritic score above 80? Does such a thing exist? It does! Dark Knight!

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