
By DramaQueen

Wham, bam....

....thank you, Spam!

Mr A is a HUGE fan of Spam, so you can imagine his delight at winning this T-shirt in their recent competition.

The competition was to recall a Spam related memory. Mr A told the tale of our trip to Asda, where there was a man debating whether to buy the last tin of Spam on the shelf or a tin of the cheaper version.
Mr A was positively foaming at the mouth when the guy said he was buying it to use as fishing bait!!!!
As soon as the decision was made to buy the cheaper tin, Mr A swooped on the Spam.

I remember the last time I made us a steak dinner, he actually said he’d prefer Spam philistine :-0

The T-shirt is going away now until our honeymoon. During my research into things to do (and eat) in Hawaii, I learned that they are all mad for Spam, so although it’s not somewhere that Mr A really wanted to visit, the appeal of it grew when he heard about this!

According to the SPAM website, the island's love affair with Spam began in World War II, when GIs were served the salty luncheon meat because it didn't require refrigeration and had a long shelf life.
The Hormel Corporation, which manufactures Spam, provided 15 million cans to Allied troops every week.
Between 1941 and 1945, Hormel had shipped over 100 million pounds overseas.
Though the name Spam is a shortened version of "spiced ham," Army soldiers would often refer to it as "Special Army Meat." Surpluses of Spam made their way from the soldiers' supplies into native diets throughout the Pacific.

To this day, Hawaiians love Spam Musubi, a sushi-style slice of Spam served with rice and seaweed, spam fried rice, and Mr A’s favourite, spam and eggs.

Spam is so popular throughout Hawaii that it's been nicknamed the "Hawaiian steak" and is even found on the islands' McDonald's and Burger King menus.
During the last week of April, the annual ‘Spam Jam’ takes place in Waikiki. It’s a shame we will miss this, but I’m sure a certain someone will be all spammed out by the end of the honeymoon! ;-)

DQ x

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