Mug Motto

As the song says this comes "All the way from Memphis"
It was bought for me specifically as a garden mug, its big and is covered with pictures of plants. The problem is it is far to nice to use outside, its china and has very happy memories attached to it so I am not going to risk it.
So I still use the normal everyday mugs in the garden. In the summer I spend lots of time outside so I make myself, or am offered, numerous drinks. These are put somewhere safe to cool down while I get on with something. Half an hour later I feel thirsty so I go and make myself a drink, the first one having been forgotten. This process is repeated throughout the day, the garden having mugs, mostly full, liberally scattered around. I think the record I have collected in one evening is eight. There are several mugs that have disappeared totally and, although there is no evidence to prove it, I get blamed.
In years to come when archeologists excavate the garden and they unearth the missing mugs they will think they have stumbled on a ritual tea drinking site of some obscure East Anglian tribe. They could call it Sutton Ho ho ho ho  (sorry about that, got a bit carried away)

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