Vitamin Sea

I have a dearth of photos to choose from today...but looking at the sea was good and needed. I walked the kids to school and Danny took Ed back to the prison. Feels sad to think of him there. He'll have 2 weeks solitary confinement now because of Covid and having been outside the prison. Today has felt's been a brilliant weekend with Ed, but very emotional too...and thinking praying and planning for Mick's memorial feels big too (and we don't feel like we know what on earth we're doing!!). And then I received a photo of his body which was a bit of a surprise. Then later coffee with a woman who lives in a women's shelter...again, good, but tough...for lots of reasons. By the afternoon I was zonked so had a nap!
Hoping to feel a bit fresher now for prepping for a discussion I'm facilitating tomorrow morning and for planning Mick's 'do' which is tomorrow at 3,30. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lovely messages with Ed's Dad. 
2) Hitting the 100 mark of prayer bracelets made and sent!
3) Hearing my Mamie (grandma) will finally be getting the vaccine soon. Relief all round, not least for my Mom!

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