Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

To Read in English or French?

It rained all day today at, I would say, a strong drizzle. And thus, I stayed in all day. My roommate left for Paris this morning and Rosine had left yesterday afternoon. She had left me a note in our basket of clean dishes saying, if I were to stay in Talence during the weekend, if I could pick up the mail while they were gone.

And so, I had the whole house to myself. What to do with a two story house with only one person in it? Make as much noise as possible, perhaps? I listened to my music at a volume I had never played before and relaxed the whole afternoon.

I also thought about doing a lunch get together with some friends for the weekend, so I looked some recipes online. But as I was thinking the lunch gathering over, I thought maybe not. However, my food plans were still a go since I would need to feed myself anyway.

On the menu are:
- grilled asparagus (asparagus which I had purchased a week ago from the Périgueux farmer's market)
- deviled eggs
- and a spiced rub honey ham

Later in the night, I did some reading. I went over the English version of my film article and it's so great being able to speed read and comprehend everything. I still need to find a good balance of reading speed and comprehension while reading French though.

I have exactly three weeks to prepare two assignments in French, one paper and one oral presentation turned written assignment.

Monday, April 6, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009

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