
It was a bit unusual to be off with the Hit Squad in an afternoon - mighty workings had been done in the morning already, so we were just augmenting and generally prettifying.

The banking had to be massively shored up, having been undermined by, apparently, dogs (eejits) scrabbling down the banks. Johnny planted a lot of willow cuttings and I put in some weeds native species we found further up the path (alkanet, I thought, but I was told bugloss by someone who had an app). The dogs won't notice, but the owners may say 'No, no, Timmy darling - don't trample on the plantings'. I am reminded of the time I was leapt at by some wretched hound in the Dean Gardens when the owner cried 'No, Jonty, no!'

I don't object to them on personal terms, but there do seem to be a lot more dogs around since the pandemic.

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