
Another early visit to the allotment (those children are seriously whinge-y), in order to secure a bonus sack of compost that seems, almost literally, to have fallen off the back of the lorry. Started to do a bit of strimming, but came to the end of the line - pah!

Heard a soft peeping sound (so much less chavvy than the sparrows), so suspected that the long-tailed tits were about again. Eventually saw one on a feeder, so got the camera out and managed to blip its partner who was busy collecting down presumably for her nest. Oh, the darlings!

It was only after I'd taken the shot that I realised where they were getting the soft downy feathers from - there'd been a massacre yesterday, probably a wood pigeon. No fleshy parts remaining, but lots of feathers.

It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good, apparently.

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