My family and other animals

Kizim*:  Hey, kid, welcome to my place. I saw you arrive a few days ago,        
You here to stay? Is so, I'll show you around.
Esra: Not sure, but hope so. Those humans upstairs are being nice to  me. Took me to the vet last week and then gave me a bath.  Wanna see how soft and fluffy I am now?  I've been sleeping on his balcony and I've got a blanket to sleep on. Sure is better than last week, sleeping rough.
Kizim:  Yeah I hear you. they gave me a blanket too, but I don't always use it cos I'm very busy on night patrol.  Even so, gotta say, folk here are quite good. Plenty of yums for our tums.  Even the garden cats are, well, bearable. In fact, I'm quite fond of some of them. Hey,  Wanna play? 
Esra: ooh yes please. I like play.  It's my favourite thing.  Well, next to food and chew bones. I'll chase you then you chase me, ok? We can run round and round and round and round and round the empty swimming pool.  
Kizim: Sure thing, kid, but we also need to roll in the grass. Let me demonstrate. Gotta get all four paws in the air, got it?
Esra: Ooh, that looks fun but can I nibble your neck first though?
Kizim: Sure .... oh, ok, enough, that'll do babe, that'll do.

In other news, poor little Dikkat has a horrid eye infection, so Aziz took us both to the vet this morning. Back home with a bag full of medication - not confident I'll be able to administer any of it.... but I'll give it a go

In other, other news - don't be fooled by the brilliant sunshine. It's bl**dy cold. The several 'garden' cats who are in my lounge this evening will, I am sure, confirm.

Kizim*also known as Gece.

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