Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Maud's frisbee prayer...

Let me play well but fairly (I may be tempted to steal the frisbee before aprecious gets to it. That's natural).
Help me to learn something that matters
once the game is over
(It matters that I am faster, smarter and better at frisbees than aprecious. I have learnt that much.)
Let competition make me strong but never hostile. (Apart from if someone, or something steals my frisbee. Obviously. Then, the gloves are off.)
Always let me help my opponent up. (Unless they have tried to steal my frisbee. I am talking about you Sally the Border Collie.)
Never catch me rejoicing in the adversity of others. (If aprecious falls over that is a different matter.)
If I know victory, allow me to be happy; if I am denied, keep me from envy. (Have you met me?)
Remind me that sports are just games. (Are they?)
If through athletics frisbee catching I set an example,
let it be a good one
(Freestyle frisbee champion of the year should do it...)

Morning everyone - had loads of photos this morning, and couldn't decide. Thought I might go into work for a ten hour stint rather than 12 and took myself up them there hills and played with Maud for a good hour. She was pooped. Had to have a lie down at the end. On the upside her leg seems to be completely recovered!

I just wanted to say that the next 4 or 5 weeks are pretty busy here so if I am a little less visible - that will be why but I am determined to get to 365, if nothing else so I'll keep posting til then at least.

Enjoy this lovely sunny day!

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