Eday (Day 2132)

Up and out this morning at stupid o'clock so I could sit on the ferry for the two and a half hour crossing to Eday.
The job was to deal with "a leaking tap in the shed and a leaking immersion in the hot water cylinder". I arrived to find the pipe above the mains stopcock in the shed was burst, and the leaking immersion was actually a leaking cylinder.
The house is a self catering holiday home, which won't be used until the restrictions are eased, so I drained the cylinder and fixed the burst pipe. I will need to come back with a new cylinder when I get the chance. The view from the cottage was quite nice before the rain came.
I will get the boat back in an hour or so, arriving back in Kirkwall 13 hours after leaving. A long day for not much progress.
I am looking forward to getting home to my beautiful wife.

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