Exit stage left

By NessD

Itchen or scratchin'?

Glorious day today. Love my Tuesday mornings in a shack on the waterfront in all weathers. Or at least I do once the heaters have kicked in. When the weather is as lovely as it was today then it's almost a pleasure to be at work. Almost.

I left work an hour late and was still home in time for a short walk along the Itchen in daylight. Spring is definitely here :-)

I started chasing the sinking pale golden skies around town trying to get a decent shot only to realise that my battery had died. The only shots of anything I did manage to snap look dark and moribund in all except mono or grey which definitely would not reflect the day. So instead you have the swirling waters of the River Itchen. It may not be wide and it certainly isn't deep but it was most definitely moving at a fair lick.


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