Exit stage left

By NessD

No left turn...

OK, I'll go right then.

I don't work on a Wednesday. On the one hand that's fantastic. No 6am alarm clock for a start and it means I can get boring chores out of the way so that I don't need to do them on work evenings.

However, it sometimes gives me too much time to think. And for a champion procrastinator who is facing several life changes that's not always a good thing. Far too many decisions to make at the moment alongside advice that I need to stop doing things that have been a big part of my life for so long. Hence my decision to start blipping. I've always tried to focus on what I can do rather than what I'm moving away from. I'm starting small with snapshots of something that reflects my day taken with my phone. But if I stick with it then there's talk of purchasing a decent SLR. K is very keen on this having previously been a keen photographer. I think I'd been blipping for about a week when he started researching expensive Leicas! No pressure. My plan is to not worry to much about my non-existent photography skills and just get into the habit of blipping something, anything that reflects my day. I'm something of a perfectionist so if I'd waited until I produced something I thought was a decent photo I'd never get started. After a month I was going to search out my point and shoot (which was found a little early) and in a couple of months we may graduate to better things and trying to learn more technique. So far so good. And it's definitely doing better than my French which was my other new thing for this year!

Walking round town this morning, I'd started taking photos of spring flowers and ducks but then was struck by how apt a one-way sign was to my day, certainly to my thought processes. There's always more than one way. And I will find it. Unfortunately, the picture didn't turn out too well so instead you have the no left turn sign.

And now I really must stop procrastinating and do some work on a pain assignment. I deferred a uni assignment from September and had let it float a little. They said they'd send me a date but never did and ignoring it was far too easy. Since then my main focus has been to get K through his dissertation this year. A phone call last week has changed all that so must get started. They still haven't sent me a date yet but don't want another last minute panic.


Yesterday took a bit of a 270degree turn after I'd posted. K's son has been asked to cover the South by Southwest Festival for work. Jammy git! One lost passport has since turned it into an adventure of almost SooB-like proportions*. Emergency trip to Southampton to pick up his birth certificate from his mother's house followed by a quick shimmy up the M3 to Richmond, which is nowhere near where he lives but took a good hour each way off our travel time. At that point, though we decided to make the most of it. Lovely drink with him and his girlfriend before they headed back across London. In the 80s and 90s I spent way too many drunken evenings in The Sun Inn in Richmond. It was almost a second home. And then I moved to the North East via Australia and I hadn't been in this century. Last night was too good an opportunity to miss so took K there for a quick pint. It hasn't changed a bit. Well there's the odd rugby photo from this century but not many and that really is it. Very quiet late on a Tuesday night but so many memories.

The passport saga isn't completely over but a quick trip up to the passport office in Peterborough seems to have yielded promising results. Fingers crossed.

I love random adventures. Maybe I should stop trying to plan my future and just let it happen.

* only teasing SooB ;-)

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