Hossing (Day 2134)

A day off, the chance of a long lie and a later start to the day...
I was up and out with the woofers at 7 this morning, the ground still slightly crunchy with overnight frost. Home to get some washing in the machine, then spend a while preparing and sending invoices.
Once the chores were out of the way, I accompanied my beautiful wife across to Stromness and we got out on the horses. There was a fairly stiff breeze blowing but the sunshine was great. George was in a mischievous mood, and desperate to gallop. It took a fair bit of encouragement to slow him down when I had let him have a bit of a run. He was enjoying himself as much as I was I reckon.
Home for lunch and to prep dinner for later, then out with the woofers at Lyde.
Another trip to Stromness so I could wash the van and HV could get out a quick ride on Red.

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