
By Shirin317

Find a job you love...

and you'll never have to work a day in your life.

Whoever said that was not an English teacher!

I love what I do and in the classroom it rarely feels like work, but tonight after pilates and a run, the to-do list is calling...

Today we were discussing a poem called "Hope Is the Thing with Feathers" by Emily Dickinson that one of my students had chosen to present. The last two lines read, "Yet, never, in extremity / It asked a crumb of me" and we talked about whether or not hope asks things of us. One of my students looked at me and said, "What do you think, Ms. Shabdin?" I wanted to give the idealistic answer that hope is free and limitless and needs nothing but possibility...but instead I chose to be honest and shared that for me, hope implies risk and certainly is an active choice.

I sure "hope" I'll make it through my stacks tonight!

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