
Went across to the market, ascertained that the kombucha man is just absent for a couple of weeks whilst expanding his empire (just as well, since we're all addicted), bought a few bits, and bumped into Mel and the wee dug. I took a pic of them on the phone and sent it to Ogatodomar in his hospital bed, as it would have pleased him (Mel smiling) and annoyed him (wee dugs, existence of) in almost equal measure.

On my way back across the bridge I saw these chaps slinging long ropes into the WoL and then hauling them back in. Didn't think the fishing season had quite started - maybe they were taking samples of the water? Good luck with that!

Later on was startled and ultimately delighted to be contacted by a stranger via the interwebs who turned out to be Mrs Butch Hancock and wanted to tell me that they were listening to my version of his song down in deepest Texas and thought it was really good! Even more surprising is that they found it on an obscure YouTube video of a tiny gig in Belgium which has been viewed by....ooh, at least 300 people. The interwebs have their uses.

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