James at Cragside

A day early for a garden visit but #2 daughter and family ate their sandwiches in the garden then I measured her for the knitted coat. I’m going to need about 5” off the bottom of it so the pattern meets at the sleeves. I’m wondering if there’s a way I can rip out from the bottom and sort it that way without losing the rest and starting all over.

We all had a slot for Cragside which was really busy. Thomas loved the Archimedes Screw and hearing about hydro power. He told me all about igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks which they are learning about at school. James just dashed about finding interesting stones and branches which could be weapons. Apparently being a counsellor is going well - he has to count the house points and go to meetings. The boys are on Easter holidays now but Ella and Nathaniel aren’t for another week.

It took hours to walk 2.5 miles as they kept finding “badger dens” and “dinosaur caves” - but at least it meant we adults got a chance to have a chat.

Thank you all for your kind comments, stars and hearts for my 7 years’ blipping. I’m touched!

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