Here we go again – Day 83

Today was the last day of our 'Strava Art Project'. You can see what we've been trekking around doing for the last 28 days here.

….............Don't you just hate it when your human normally takes you out at 8am and then the clocks go forward, so there you are, just snoozing in bed, when she wakes you up (at what you think is 7am) and makes you trek around the streets to 'draw' a stick man??? Seriously?!!! I'm a little collie that likes my sleep!!!

This afternoon we met our friend Kay and went for a walk in Inverleith Park. Inverleith Park is a pretty good place to play. As soon as I got let off my lead I found a stick to run about with. I ran & ran & ran & ran. And then I rolled & rolled & rolled & rolled. And then I was pretty thirsty so I found a puddle to have a drink from. However, instead of just drinking, I decided to flop down for a bit of a cool down. My human wasn't too happy about that because we actually had to catch a bus to get home.

…...............Oh well, ho hum, she never stays angry with me for long.

When we got home, I asked for dinner at 4pm (I normally get my dinner at 5.30-6pm-ish) because I hadn't eaten my breakfast and running around in the park had made me very hungry. Ann held off from giving me anything until 5pm and then she felt sorry for me cos I was obviously starving.

Dinner gobbled up and I'm back in snooze mode now.

PS – As from tomorrow, we're going to give up titling our BLIPS, 'Here we go again – Day ???' If we were staying in Scotland, we'd probably keep it going until 26th April which would be 112 days. (Longer than first lock down.) The 26th April seems to be the day when most of Scotland is opening up again. Apart from hairdressers??? Does anyone else understand the hairdresser thing? Personally Ann just thinks that 'Nicola' wants a haircut but isn't interested in having a glass of wine with lunch???!!!

PPS – We're escaping down to England tomorrow. As long as we can get out of Scotland, we can legally do this. Watch this space. Lol!!!!

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