
By stujphoto

Carnage on the Front Lawn

Well today was a remarkable day in some ways as I had my blip done and dusted just after breakfast. I gone into the garden looking at the frost patterns and decided a macro was not worth it as the frost was already melting.

However, I did spot some frosted pansies which photographed quite well. Then I noticed that a mess of feathers covered in dew drops. I had seen them the day before ( minus the dew, of course ) - one of the neighbourhood cats successfully stalking at our bird feeder, but I had not got round to clearing the mess up. As they were at ground level I did not notice until I had photographed them how attractive the dew had made them. Somewhat chaotic but fascinating. I tried a close-up in monochrome but decided you really needed to see what they were to appreciate the jewel-like nature of the dewdrops. However, it is worth looking at them LARGE to focus in on the centre of the picture.

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