
By ChezRobz

Oooooh potatoes

The boy LOVES potatoes. He sucks and sucks them until just the skin remains.

Today was a good day for us. Firstly we had a long lay in (Noah woke me by playing bongos on my boobs, think it was a subtle hint that he wanted milk!) and then had breakfast. We shared some weetabix and banana, then we went to Asda with my mother - Noah charmed everyone as usual and I snuck some little outfits into the trolley! Definitely in 9-12 now, going to start boxing up the last of the 6-9 things. Teeny boy no longer :( We then went home and he snacked on some pear and crumpets in the high chair while I set about making banana muffins (2 giant bunches of very ripe bananas for 9p, yay for the BLW recipe book!)and started cutting veg for a huge batch of soup. He had great fun smacking the toys on the tray, everything HAS to be noisy now!

Nice evening with daddy, I can't believe how well Noah sits now. He sits for ages at a time without wobbling, and he can even right himself after a wobble or two! Tea tonight was steak, J pot, cottage cheese, cucumber and a mango fromage frais to finish. Lucky boy!

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