Not All About Paddy

It’s great having Joshua home, no younger the ‘lad’ no more than ever a man in every sense of the word. Great company and we slip into that easy way fathers and sons have. Covid makes sitting in the sun chewing the fat over a beer virtually impossible but as he has already committed himself to refereeing a Colts rugby match on Friday evening I have no doubt a hold all with a few bottles might make its way there.

I saw this whilst out walking Paddy today, it’s a more uplifting sign of our times than the barrage of negativity battering us from the media on a daily basis.

Paddy’s first full day with us, as well as his striking looks he has a great personality and he is going to fit right in. He’s been introduced to the Post Lady who wanted to take him away with her.

I feel there might be a lot of this in the coming weeks.

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