Curiosity killed the ....woodpecker?

Let's hope that old expression isn't true because this downy was definitely curious about what might be hiding in that hole. I rather liked the posture and expression on his face, so here he is to say hello to you. I spent about two hours in the park today but didn't get very many keepers. However, I had a great time because we had sunshine and blue skies for the second day in a row. Wahoooooo! That's unbelievable for March. The prediction calls for more sunshine this week than we have seen in the past month.
Can it be true? I hope so, but I'm not holding my breath.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who left stars and faves on my little flying downy yesterday. Much appreciated!

Horned owl update: I haven't heard of anyone having an owl sighting in the past two days, so there is some concern that something scared it off. Cross your fingers that it reappears. For the past week it has sat on that nest in some pretty bad weather. We're hoping it hasn't been scared away, been hurt by a hawk, etc, etc.

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