April: pussy willow

Yay.. We all 3 slept  without having to get up during the night! A rare night. 

Definitely  not as warm as the last 2 days. " A bit fresh!" 
M was waiting for another parcel so Fletch and I walked up to the marsh . 

Back home and I got out the laptop to do some editing for this weeks theme in the camera club then took a few more photos to fit the Rule of Odds  theme ( extra) 
I'm so glad that I have got into photography.  Its kept me sane in these lockdown months.  I love our daily walks but especially In bad weather it can be hard to feel motivated some days 

Another walk with Fletch and it felt a bit warmer. Saw a couple of  bees . The first ones this year. I hope the forecast cold weather doesnt kill them off

M has had his 2nd jab.. This time his arm has been very painful but otherwise ok. 
Good that so  many people are having the jabs but still so many new cases every day. 
Take care everyone. Xx

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