Guess Who's Feeling Better!

Miss Huffy Puffy insisted on going out today.  She's barely favoring her sore leg.  I think my assumption was correct that she caught her too-long toenail on something and wrenched her leg getting free.  I moved her vet appointment to Tuesday afternoon so she can still get her manicure but it doesn't look as though she'll need any medical attention.

Against my better judgment, I did let her out and was watching her closely to make sure she didn't run into trouble.  However, I was looking in the wrong direction and then noticed Bolt, the neighbor cat she doesn't like, coming up behind me.  She saw him about the same time I did and growled at him.  He made a very cautious and wide detour around her and calmly went home.  I was surprised because I worried that he might like to confront her but he did everything he could to avoid even getting close, which was very comical.  She spent some time sniffing around and then came in and took a long nap.  (See Extra)

I had the entire flock of coots in my yard most of the day.  As often as I've seen them I never noticed that they have HUGE feet.  The bird book describes them as having long-lobed toes.  I honestly thought the one I photographed had a leaf stuck to his foot.  I put his picture in Extra.  

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