Scattered Polaroids

By sp

Bit of a rollercoaster of a day.

Work was fine, I was really busy and got a lot done. When I finished I had time to pick up a few bits in town, then walked up St Michael’s Hill for my hospital app. Everything went well, nice to have some peace of mind after a stressful couple of days. Walked home on the phone to Ma.

As soon as I got home I felt terrible and had a couple of hours of feeling very sorry for myself. Took some pills, ate some potato waffles, hot water bottle, hugs. By 6.30 I didn’t feel too bad, so we headed down the road for our first garden gathering of this lockdown era.

So so good to see the gang for the first time since Christmas Eve. Burly was very excited to celebrate Matt’s birthday and kept his hat on for hours (extras). Paul made everyone Long Islands and later on we ordered some dinner from Wok To Walk.

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