Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Fun.....can do!

Today is a yes day.....

Most days are YES days.....

A young friend of mine is thinking of having the word Yes tattooed on response to dealing with anxiety issues....I personally think that it's awesome!

Why not Yes? It seems that no, stop, prohibited, forbidden and all the like are heard more than they should be these days. Yes....great word!

So, to the climbing wall and I'm going to try that move that eludes either will be my day....or it won't but I'm damn well going for it!

It's our wedding Anniversary today, 19 years ago my lovely Lady and I said 'YES', and through good times and bad we have laughed and cried...I love her more today than I thought possible.....that was a very good day for a 'Yes'!

We spent last night with our dearest friends at the theatre....Agatha Christie...very nicely done too! None of that "ooh more tea vicar" rubbish...good old British acting! It was a good night and a lovely way to spend the time.

So here we go.......YES!

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