
By LifeLines

Watching the world go by

Andy went off early to play his first game of golf since November, just nine holes is permitted at the moment so as to enable more people to have a round. He returned content with his performance.

Meanwhile Merlin and I embraced the cold wind for a long meandering walk. Merlin isn’t used to going out on his own with me and seemed a bit put out. Consequently we (Merlin) spent rather a lot of time stopping to watch the world go by and engaged in squirrel spotting. Having spotted no squirrels ( further disappointment) we returned home via the stream. It’s always so tranquil walking alongside the clear water, looking into the reflections and trying to spot fish. Today some petals of spring flowers floated on the surface of the water. So good to get a long dose of fresh air and exercise.

The afternoon was spent doing a long overdue task of repotting house plants, chatting to neighbours (instead of washing the car) - the first time I’ve spoken at length with most of them since before Christmas and more dog walking - during which Merlin took off after what we presume was deer scent and disappeared for 10 minutes or so. We returned home to make sour dough pizza for dinner and have a much needed drink!

Hoping your day has been good to you.

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