
By SC26


I got up at 5am on my day off today to go and spend the day shadowing the Speech and Language Therapists at St George's hospital. I've been thinking for a while that it's an area that I would like to move in to, but as it would take two-years to retrain, it's a massive decision and commitment. Through my current work I have a good knowledge of stroke and the impact it has on a person's life and I work closely with the SLTs planning rehabilative projects but I've never worked directly with the patients before. It was a really eye-opening, thought-provoking day. Seeing directly how completely someone's life is turned upside down following a stroke or brain injury and just what they are faced with tackling and re-learning.

I'm planning lots more shadowing/experience days to help me decide and which will help with my application if I do go ahead and apply.

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