Here are three pairs of trousers I'll never wear again but have been lurking in the back of the wardrobe for at least 20 years and more than 50 for one pair. I bought the velvet ones at the top in Carnaby Street in 1968 with the money from my first summer holiday job, but they've been unpicked and reworked too many times to be of interest to any collector. The bike leathers are from when I was a nervous and not very adept pillion on Beloved C's motorbike in the ’90s, and the 501s are just there because I thought I might get back into them one day, but that's not going to happen.
I thought I'd make a start this afternoon on clearing out old stuff, but really until the charity shops are open again and it's possible to make spontaneous trips to the recycling centre, it's not worth having all the extra bags and boxes cluttering up the dining room when at least for now I can just shut the wardrobe door on it!
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