Head Out On The Highway...
Thanks so much for all the positive feedback about my previous Blip. I’m still over in Manchester for another day, and now that the lockdown rules have relaxed to allow up to 6 people to meet in a garden, M and I took the opportunity to head over to Bury so that I could meet some of her family for the first time. It was particularly lovely to meet her youngest brother, L, who I’ve only spoken to on the ‘phone previously but about whom I’ve heard so much.
Prior to the visit, M and I stopped off in the beautiful village of Ramsbottom https://www.theguardian.com/money/2018/jul/20/lets-move-to-ramsbottom-greater-manchester from whence we ascended Holcombe Hill to the Peel Monument and sunned ourselves in 20 degree temperatures whilst admiring the views across the valley.
Today’s tune is for L. It’s Steppenwolf with ‘Born to Be Wild’ https://youtube.com/watch?v=egMWlD3fLJ8
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