Good Saturday.

I'm finding more and more that I dislike the mass produced food industry so am putting more effort into avoiding it, I know I've a long way to go but in some respects I think I'm doing ok.

I don't eat very much meat so when I plan to it needs to be good so today I collected the Pork joint I'm cooking tomorrow from a butcher based in farm shop 7 miles away. The pork is raised naturally on that farm and lives outside enjoying a good life. 
I'll let you know how it tastes.

RF and I had a walk in the countryside this afternoon, it was lovely and being a non standard walk was very quiet.

The photo is of a wild flower new to me, Cuckoo Flower, Cardamine Pratensis, which was growing in a boggy area close to the River Dunn.

It's been a good day.

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