
By Farmerboab

Walk in the dark......

A frosty start again, but sunny all day. Fed cattle then headed up the road to bring junior home from Uni. A good drive to Aberdeen with a wee detour off the main road to see what was going on in the Aberdeenshire countryside. A lot of seeders working hard but also a lot of ground still to sow.
Back home by 5 pm. Fed cows again then checked my spring calvers. M24 looked like she was thinking about things for the last couple of days and sure enough she had a string hanging from her ,but was busy stuffing her face with silage at the heck. Tried to bring her in on her own but she wasn't having any of it so eventually managed to get them all in with some feeding and a mini quad bike rodeo .
Just as well I did as it was a set of twins. Calved the first one ok coming head first,but the second one was coming backwards and also had only one leg the right way. Got Littlemiss to give me a hand with the calving Jack and got it out ok.
Mummy has about enough milk to make a cup of tea,and an abundance of hormones,so managed to tube the calves with some colostrum and get her into a pen without anyone getting killed ! Will likely be the same carry on in the morning.
Neil finished seeding the last field of barley at 10 pm so I had to give him a run back to another farm to collect his car. I have been advised that the covid Jag might make you tired. Never noticed any difference as always knackered anyway ! Time for bed said zebadee.

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