
By TBay

Rainbow Eggs.

It has been a dream to be able to sell rainbow eggs and as you can see from this I now have rainbow eggs! Just need to add a really dark brown egg layer to it. 

My life seems to be consumed with both hens and sheep at the moment hence the abundance of blips with them in. It is years since we have had any livestock of our own here other than a few hens but we seem to be on a path of increasing numbers daily. Miss H has just put another 28 eggs in a borrowed incubator and our has another 12 in it. We have already had numerous enquiries for pullets too. It seems there is a general shortage of them. So I see more hens on the horizon. 

We let the ewes and lambs out first thing (see extra) and they were loving the warm sunny day again. Just one left to lamb. Wish she would hurry up!

A very busy day all round. Mr Tbay was helping Miss Tbay finish off her newly dug rose bed and also helped with general spring tidy up in her garden. I cleaned out the henhouse in our paddock with Miss H ready to move the older hens outside again. We have had the all clear with regards to Avian flu which had kept them in all winter.Cyril and his side kick have never been out so goodness knows how he will cope!!

I gave the garden a good watering too as everything was so dry. Hard to believe with all the rain we get! I have also potted up several tomato plants for friends and some for Little Miss to take to school.

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