
By TBay

Happy Easter.

Happy Easter from Avril and her lamb! This is Miss H’s favourite sheep and of the first she purchased. Avril has given her a cracking ram lamb every year and she did it again this year too!.

Mr Tbay and I moved the hens to the outside hen house late last night, so first thing this morning in my nightdress, old coat and boots headed out to see if they were ok. Luckily no one was about!! They were all fine apart for, yes you guessed, Cyril , who was still in the main body of the house in a nest box. He really does have issues! Anyway I let them all out and they were delighted to be in the fresh air and on grass again!

I cooked a traditional Easter Sunday roast for us and we were joined by Miss Tbay. We had a lovely leg of lamb and all the trimming followed by Sherry trifle. Lovely! Our pre lunch drink was outside enjoying the beautiful sun and the garden. You would have thought it was high summer. However I am told that we have a blast form the artic heading our way by tomorrow. 

Yet again this was the second year running we were not able to attend and Easter Sunday church service at Puxton, and nor did we have to decorate the little church. That did seem odd. It will be lovely when we can once again attend services there.

Happy Easter blippers where ever you may be.

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