Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

A good night’s sleep

Something worth recording, I had a good night’s sleep. I wonder if it was to do with completing Oxford University’s SleepUK survey  
Simply the joy of catching up with the recent Radio4 series For the Love of Leo. I think it was the latter.

This set me up for a longer walk into the hills but first I let the place warm up a little (overnight frost).

Bang, bang, bang, bang.... I had forgotten about the Clay shoot. Easter Sunday and all a very large number of people can think of doing is shooting their guns in the air. Even in over 2 hours I never quite managed to walk far enough to not hear them!

I walked over familiar ground and hoped to see familiar wildlife some I did and some I didn’t.  I did see my first Swallows when two chattering birds flew low over my head on my descent :-)

I decide to not walk back past the shooting but the alternative route was just as noisy as in the main it was close to the A57 Snake Pass. As I reached the road a continuous line of motorbikes 20 or more headed up and up.  Then there were cars making as much noise as possible or so it seemed.  I walked past my old house and kept going.

I watched part of the boat races on the Great Ouse rather than the Thames this year.  In her introduction Clare Balding mentioned a flat featureless landscape within the first few minutes which made me me so glad I had made the effort to walk into a hilly area full of rocky outcrops and the birdcalls. 

Late afternoon and the sun disappeared and the temperature is dropping.
Snow in the forecast.  The poor lambs born this week will need looking after by their mothers and the shepherd.

Hoping for another good night and wishing everyone the same.

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