
By cowgirl


Jodie belonged to someone who worked at the yard. We used to share the hours, doing 3 each but when she decided to leave I was able to take on her hours.

This ‘someone’ had worked there for years and as she’d split from her husband, she asked if she could rent a house that our boss rents out that had become vacant.

However, she didn’t pay all the rent she owed and also didn’t pay for Jodie’s upkeep ... my boss is seeking legal advice. There was nothing to do about Jodie as no-one could get in touch with her owner, so she’s been with us for over a year with no payment towards her upkeep.

About 3 weeks ago contact was made and the couple who live next door to my boss have taken her on. I’m so pleased for Jodie. She now has someone to show her some love again.

This is the first time she’s been sat on for at least a year - she did let out a small grunt of surprise as Ann got on, but other than that, she was quite calm. They even went for a walk along the lane. Really lovely to see them, and Ann came back with a big grin on her face!

And yes, her partner Paul does always wear shorts and flip flops, despite us all suggesting stouter footwear! He often helps us when he’s not working and at first only wore canvas shoes! We’ve talked him into getting some wellies, especially when the mud is over our ankles! They breed ‘em tough in Zimbabwe!

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