Double Shot Mummy


Organic fruit and vege box and potty training

Our second box arrived from Go Organic. We are quite chuffed. Oscar got straight into it and munched on raw pepper, corn and an apple. It is all local apart from the apples.

Warning: The following is all about poos and wees and stuff like that.

It has been well over a year since training Bailee and Oscar is showing a lot of interest. He is not as enthusiastic as Bailee was but seems to be feeling a little left out. He is in awe of all his little friends who wear their 'big boy' and 'big girl' pants.

We were going to the beach today so he wore his 'Thomas pants' and we took the bright pink potty, which he named his 'Pirate Pete' potty. He had two accidents on the beach, but sat on the potty twice and attempted to pee in the bushes like his little friend. We got home and he asked to do a poo on the toilet and was successful! This was his first ever. He looked absolutely astounded with himself. Unfortunately, I had eaten the chocolate mouse I'd been promising him for this time but we managed to track down a jaffa cake in the cupboard. He ate it while still sitting on the loo, but we were all so happy and cheered and congratulated him.

Our day was very social today. The beach playdate picnic in the morning and playdate at friends in the afternoon. The twins had a wicked time in the afternoon thrashing about in the paddling pool and playing with the hose.

Maple is unusually grouchy today and doesn't have her usual appetite. I think she is going to get a tooth in the next couple of days.

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