Double Shot Mummy


First toofs

They arrived this morning as predicted. They weren't there last night or even when she woke up but had broken through by 11am.

She has been a mess all day, poor pickle. She is off her milk, off her food and grumpy. All very uncharacteristic. I am going to dig out Bailee's amber teething necklace for her tomorrow. Here's hoping she has a much better sleep tonight.

I am not sure what to think about Oscar and toilet training so far! Should it be pursued? He had four accidents today and didn't go once on the potty or toilet. We ran out of his Thomas the Tank Engine pants. (Poor planning on my part and refusal to wear the 'Percy' ones). I hunted out Bailee's least 'girly' pants (Green owls), but under no circumstances would he put her nick nacks on! So it was back in nappies for Kindermusik. At lunchtime I whipped out and got him some frog underpants. He was ecstatic. Bailee took her frilly ones straight off and had to put on an orange frog pair also. They were both so proud of their new pants and wanted to show the world!

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