Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

A bit of the Pennine Way

I walked a section of the Pennine Way from Crowden in Longdendale.
(the start is 15 minutes from home in the car)

My aim was to look for birds ( I found none)  so I just kept walking up and up to Laddow Rocks which are pretty impressive from any angle.

The Main photo is very near the top where there is a path that splits left away  left for Chew Reservoir and on to Greenfield passing Dovestone Reservoir.

The Extra photos show the view opposite to Bareholme Moss,  A close up of the first part of the Rocks and the part of the way back down the descent showing the Pennine Way path.

There were snow showers on the way back down which have continued in the afternoon but I chose the right time to go just not a day for the birds.

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