
By TBay


So continuing the chicken story this is big Barry or ‘Bazza”  and one of his girls. He continues to enjoy his status as the head of his little tribe. One of his girls are laying and I am hoping a few more may follow as spring sets in!

A busy day with office work to start off with. Bills are now finished and posted but tomorrow I need to nail the VAT! Then on to house work. It needed to be done as Mr Tbay informed me that the cobweb in the bathroom was beginning to look like a prop from Miss Havisham’s house!  he was not too far from the truth! 

In the afternoon I headed off to our unit tenants and flogged my excess eggs! Sold out even to the extent that I had to go and get todays production to fulfil my last sale!!

Spring felt a long way off today as it was really very cold and at one stage we had a nice hail storm!  Brrrrrrr!

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