
By TBay

Evening Sunshine.

Easter Monday arrived with sunshine and was even warm enough (just!) to sit outside for a very brief drink at lunchtime. Miss Tbay joined us for a fish platter lunch which was lovely. I am making the most of seeing the family as once lockdown had really gone then we won’t see them for weeks I suspect!!

Mr Tbay Jnr was returning form his delivery of farm equipment up country. We love the ability for him to be able to drop a pin on What’s ap so we can watch his progress so easily. He arrived in one piece just after lunch. It had been a good easy run.

Cyril (bless him) managed to come out ( not with his sexuality!) this morning with out too much persuasion. He is still a very nervous  boy and stayed very close to the hen house. When I locked them up he was only half in half out of the pop hole! Still not completely committed to his new flock. 

I indulged and watched the wonderful film of Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet. One of my favourites, bringing to life the complexities of life back then. Goodness knows how she would have written about todays courtship rituals!!

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