
By Mindseye

......and so it begins

all the talking, the stories, the arrangements, the tears, the laughter, followed by more tears, followed by cards, flowers & gifts.

I hope he is looking down on us.......he will be amazed at the outpouring of love, kind words, sadness & tears from so many people who knew my hub, and that includes you, my dear blipfriends. He would be honoured to know you put him right to the top of the popular page.

We have decided to leave my fund raising page open "in memory of hub" to enable family and friends to make a donation if they would like, so there is still time.

I was drawn to Costa this morning, it was really difficult, as he wasn't there, but curiously enough, our friend and nextdoor neighbour was. I walked in, masked up, there was just one other person waiting for two coffees and he said oh Sue!
In all the years me and hub have been going to Costa, Dave & Elaine have never been there, but for some reason Dave felt he should go today as it was Norms place! We did hug and cry, think the staff knew what had happened.

Part of me thinks maybe someone up there is conducting things?!

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