Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

The Future’s So Bright...

...she’s gotta wear shades!

How lovely to be able to meet up with my great friend Sarah today! It’s been months since we were able to see each other in person although we’ve met via video on an (almost) weekly basis to have lunch together on Fridays.

But today we took advantage of the sunny weather to meet for a walk through town, stopping off at a couple of coffee shops en route for takeaway beverages (shout out to Bold Street Coffee and 92 Degrees Coffee!). We were so busy chatting that I almost forgot to take any pictures of her until I realised that my parking ticket was due to expire in 21 minutes and I was approximately 20 minutes away from the car park. So I snapped this on Hope Street outside the former Trade Union Centre and we both legged it back across town to retrieve our cars. I think I made it to mine with about 30 seconds to spare!

It’s been so good to have some sunshine recently after the long, dark winter. I’m still very cautious about the future prospects for our planet, but I hope they’re brighter than they were this time last year.

Here are Timbuk 3...

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