Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Madera Canyon: Day 2

The yellow-eyed juncos were busy working on their nest again this morning but I decided to just watch while I was having my coffee.

it didn't take me long to realize today, as I was trying to focus on hummingbirds, that I brought the wrong camera.  The 7D Mark II is far superior than my 90D for quickly moving objects - twice the number of focal points.

Three hundred photos and I ended up with about 8 I could work with.  I didn't want to disappoint so I worked hard on getting a decent hummer.  This is a Broad-billed.  I got some fleeting sightings of a Rufous, Rivoli's (aka Magnificent), Black-chinned and Broad-tailed.

I put a "Red-backed" dark-eyed junco as an extra.  It was deep into a tree and I was really pleased how it turned out.

Last night was kind of a nightmare for me.  I'm seriously not used to so many people overnight which is making it hard to relax in the evening.  Lots of noise and not sure if it was people walking through the parking lot after dark or wildlife. Can you guess which I prefer?  :-)

It was another pleasant day, weather-wise.  By the time I gt to the wildlife viewing area most people were standing in the shade.  That left a nice bench open for me in the sun.  It's about 90 minutes before last light.  Again, hope I can manage about three minutes of internet.  It's nice that I can work on photos and write this up off-line and while sitting outside.

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