Crazy Grands.

When my two Grandsons walked into the room like this, well, it just had to be my blip today. The two of them in extras, but Woody had to feature as my main as he'd perfected the look! Franky has always had a 'thing' for these pegs. ???

Although my 'official' blip birthday was two days ago, today is the day I count from, two years ago, on my birthday was when I started blip. This is my second lockdown birthday, let's hope there are no more!

A fun coffee and chat morning with camera club, then a steady stream of well wishers, remotely via media and in person. It's been lovely and I've felt very special today. When Jodie arrived with the boys it was just too cold to be in the garden, and as officially we are allowed in a bubble because she has a baby under one year old they came in. We've not met up indoors, and rarely outdoors for the past year.

Not being used to all this socialising I'm now exhausted! Enjoying a birthday midweek G&T. Cheers!

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