Coconut Virus update

There are no new community acquired cases of Coconut Virus in Southern Queensland currently. We still get the odd one drifting in from overseas.

I caught this one on the beach yesterday. Removing the outer husk seems to deactivate them. Dog’s are immune to Coconut Virus and can safely carry out this procedure. It’s important to keep the folks at least two metres away while doing this.

Once dehusked they can be safely left to dry out in the sun.

The government vaccination program against Coconut Fever is still rolling out, albeit slowly. Some of the overseas suppliers have been tardy with their shipments. Not to worry, we’re now growing our own and will have ‘Bountyfull’ supplies into the future.

Once everyone’s immunised the occasional Coconut Virus arriving on the shoreline shouldn’t pose a threat, not even to the oldest of the Silverbacks.

There! I think that covers most of it!

Time for breakfast.

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