Not much happening...........

There's not been much happening today................ First thing this morning I went on my walk to the local shop because Ann needed bread so that she could have toast for breakfast. I always get a couple of teeny, weeny bits. Yum! To be honest Ann is getting really paranoid about tying me up outside shops. (She NEVER does it in Edinburgh anymore). There's just so many reports of doggies being stolen and even though I always just sit in perfect pooch mode (because that's what I am – a perfect pooch) Ann is paranoid that a dognaper could easily kidnap me in a few secs. The shop Ann went into today had two CCTV cameras focused on where I was tied up so she reckoned I'd be OK for a couple of mins. Having said that, even though it was before 8am, there were still 2 people in the queue for the till before Ann so she got a bit panicky!!!

I didn't get stolen. Yay! And after breakfast I went for a play on the beach and a trek around town.

This afternoon I had to do a lot of waiting!

First we went to see Ann's friends, Barry & Sarah, because they had some Rosemary cuttings for her. Ann was just going to leave me in the car but Barry wanted to see me. I did a lot of silly 'puppy jumping up' at them. Honestly I'm almost 2 and a half years old and I still do silly puppy jumping up at people. Ann has told me time and time again that 'jumping up' is not appropriate behaviour. Do you think I am ever going to learn not to jump up??!!

Next we went to Wyevale Garden Centre so that Ann could buy an outdoor thermometer. I had to wait in the car, but while Ann was waiting in the queue she saw other people there with their doggies so I could have gone with her. Actually, she didn't tell me that so I still don't know!

Then we went to Asda so I had to wait again.

Fortunately after that, I got my afternoon walk. I had a lovely time running around looking for bunnies in all the bushes by the Hayle Estuary. I couldn't find any. Boohoo.

And that's been our day. …...................Lots of soaps to watch on TV tonight.

Toodles. Xxx

PS – Just recording this because we use BLIP as a diary of our life. Isn't it sad that Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, has died today, aged 99 years old. RIP. xx

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