Landing Gear Engaged

It's official. I've got another cold. I've been trying to talk myself out of it for 2 no avail. Let's just say...if I felt like would be an improvement.

Couple that together with my non-working camera...and I'm mildy depressed. Not down and dirty depressed...just mildy.

What ever happened to the old-fashioned camera stores? A store that would open that baby up, and tell you what was wrong. I'll tell you what happened...they're gone. Closed up. Shuttered...if you will. Now...all they do is send the camera away. I DON'T WANT MY CAMERA SENT AWAY!

I always get confused. Is it starve a cold, and feed a fever? it the other way around? Either way...I'm not hungry. My strawberry shortcake string is in serious jeopardy.

I'm trying to draw from my inner Annie. "The sun'll come out your bottom dollar that tommorrow... will be better. A few more pictures on my


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