As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Maureen Goldfish

Tonight was my last SAT class. I'm going to miss it, but it'll be nice to have some more time to tutor now.

We had a guidance assembly 3rd period. Apparently, from this point on we are officially in the college search process. I'm pretty sure I've been thinking about college since day one of high school, but that's another story. In physics I did some Triple E stuff, and gym was rather frustrating. Too many kids and not enough paddle ball courts.

After school we had a quick Foreign Language Honor Society meeting, and then I went to track. I ran with Mike and Rich because I had to leave early. I had religion from 4:00-5:30, I went home and showered quickly, and then back to the school for a meeting about SciOly States this weekend. From there I went to my last SAT class. It stinks that I'm not taking it again until June though.

Brittany, Jake, Toni, and me.

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