Hidden Portobello
The world’s largest craft, by gross tonnage, dominated the Firth of Forth today. The Pioneering Spirit was bringing an oil rig to Rosyth prior to its future recycling.
The promenade was so busy we walked by the back lanes where I took this view of less familiar Portobello. The route was also sheltered from the biting,still wintry, wind.
I watched the Grand National. I question the safety of the horses that fall and do not get up. I also wonder when we will stop saying “the first woman to ...” The so called “Sport of Kings” now has its rightful Queen!
We broke the gloom of Zoom in the evening by watching live theatre from Creation Theatre. Lear’s Daughters is an intense and entertaining hour’s performance which I highly commend. It is performed again at 20h on Sunday 11th April.
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